Thursday, December 18, 2008

Return to Normalcy...

Hopefully, my delayed posts have only built suspense and not led you to a disappointed dead end of world andventure. After India, the time between ports was measured in blinks. I wish I had a better, more acceptable excuse as to why I have not efficiently updated my blog. There were no pirates or rouge waves. I just ran out of time... and internet minutes.

Now, I am back in America. It is all so surreal. I am still trying to process what happened this past semester. I went around the world?! I don't know what I feel or what I think. All I know is that I want to do it again...all of it.

In an effort to escape the norms of society, I will continue to share the remainder of my adventures. Not only will I write to maintain my memories, but I will write in hopes that you will surrender to your imagination, abandon the comfort of your world, and book a flight (or cruise) to anywhere...

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